As I dug through my purse for my car keys, the smell of mint inspired an immediate, good-feeling response. I’d hurriedly stashed the sprig there after the service at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Birmingham. Anne had given a presentation on the practice of Forest Bathing that morning and had passed a supply around to […]
Continue readingBird patrol at your service
“You don’t have a snail problem. You have a duck deficiency”. That was Bill Mollison’s reply to a gardener struggling with gastropods. I am a bird watcher. I keep a supply of birdseed around my deck, and there is always a good show provided. I even enjoy the thieving squirrels who don’t seem to know […]
Continue readingTop ten reasons to love Dandelions
10. Dandelions are cute and fun First of all, they are freakin’ adorable. I love to walk out in my yard and see all the shiny, yellow faces. For me, the sight of them is one of those things like hearing a baby laugh, cuddling a puppy, or watching panda bear cubs at play; all […]
Continue readingMy mother’s daughter
I have three sisters all from the same two parents. We are quite varied in just about every way you could imagine. We are brunettes and blonds. We are short and tall, thin and thick. We are Republicans and Democrats, we are Baptists and Buddhists, we are tree huggers and fashion aficionados. How can […]
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