It’s a small (and fairly-traded) world at Sojourns

Sojourns carries a wide array of items, including decorative items for the home; organic coffees, chocolates, jams, jellies, and teas; items for the kitchen; unique art; soaps and skin care items; a wide range of jewelry and accessories; and much, much more.

Many of the items in the store are made from recycled materials, including Haitian art created from oil drums and purses made from candy wrappers or other materials.

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Homemade croutons

Somebody let the bread go stale I looked in the refrigerator, and I found this!  🙁 Yes, it looked just like this. Poorly wrapped and hard as nails. I don’t want to mention any names, but the initials of the person that let the bread go hard are RICHARD KIRBY. No worries. We are having […]

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