Yoga in the Office

Low back discomfort can result from spinal misalignment, emotional tension or muscular imbalances. But whatever the cause, lumbar pain is no fun. And sitting in one position without a break can aggravate the situation. You don’t have to be a seasoned yogi to gain relief from yoga. A few targeted poses can do a world […]

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The Lasagna Garden

“I didn’t know you could grow lasagna,” my mother-in-law quipped as I showed her my latest experiment. She seemed as intrigued as I was when I first heard about this soil preparation technique. It’s a composting method that eliminates the need to hoe or till. I’m going to give this a whirl! As I’m short […]

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Thoughts About Joy

I woke one morning recently and, as always, noted the birds fluttering outside my window at the feeder. This alone was not unusual, but the fact that the movement persisted while two of my cats approached was peculiar. On closer inspection I found a black-capped chickadee trapped inside. The opportunistic little thing had somehow managed […]

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