Woods Dirt

My mother was an avid gardener. She insisted my little sister and I help with pulling weeds and feeding the veg patch. Little sister and I in the garden As a surly teenager, I complained a lot, totally missing the point. Gardening would not take hold with me until after the birth of my second daughter. When I asked my mother's advice on a fruitful garden, she replied, "Woods dirt makes the best soil." I didn't really know what she meant, but if she said it, then it was so. In my... Continue reading

Sheet Mulching for Spring

"Wait. Let me get this straight. You want me to throw all this trash in your garden." That's what Melvin said when I asked him to cover my little fenced area with cardboard boxes and a pile of fallen limbs. I decided at the end of the growing season that I was going to break down all the grass in The Secret Garden and convert the entire area to a production garden. I had been saving up boxes from all my various deliveries. Rather than send them off to a landfill, they head to the... Continue reading

What’s Next for the Secret Garden

I began this series with the first post on March 1st. In case anyone reading this article has been living in a cave or is just out of a coma, COVID-19 has thrown a wrench in just about everyone's works. I had intended to post regular updates on the progress of the Secret Garden, but I have been busy... well, gardening. Soil has been the only balm for the anxiety, remorse, and frustration of dealing with the fallout of a pandemic. I am so fortunate to still have my job and a nice place to... Continue reading

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Several years ago, I was in the car with my husband. I think we were in our neighborhood, perhaps headed to the grocery store. We passed a yard where the young man of the house was toiling away at his flawless lawn. The grass was a lush carpet of thick, inviting, green. As he bagged up the clippings from the lawnmower and carried them to the side of the road, I imagined the trips he'd taken to the local hardware store for lawn feed and weed killer. It struck me then of how hard we work... Continue reading