Homemade croutons

Somebody let the bread go stale

Stale bread

I looked in the refrigerator, and I found this!  🙁

Yes, it looked just like this. Poorly wrapped and hard as nails. I don’t want to mention any names, but the initials of the person that let the bread go hard are RICHARD KIRBY.

No worries. We are having butternut squash soup for dinner tonight, and I’ve got just the answer! Homemade croutons!

First, grab the petrified hunk of bread and place it on the cutting board. Use whatever method pleases you to cut the bread into cubes. I go for about 1-inch squares.

Next, gather the ingredients. I’m going to use olive oil, basil, and garlic. I measure out about a third of a cup of olive oil and then crush the garlic clove straight into the measuring cup. Then I sprinkle the basil into the mix, but I might use dill on another night or parsley the next. Maybe all three! I like to experiment and mix it up, depending on what we’re having. I think just the basil and garlic will be a nice flavor to pair with the butternut squash soup.

I set the oven on about 350 and grab a mixing bowl from the cupboard. I pour the olive oil mixture in first and then stir the bread cubes into the oil. Once everything is evenly coated, I pour this onto a baking sheet. I’ve got this lovely pizza pan that works wonders for this job!

Pop the croutons into the oven for about 15 minutes or so. You can check to get them to the desired ‘doneness.’ If you want softer croutons, you might check a little before. If you want them crispy, leave them in a little longer.

Once they are done baking they are ready to use. Add them to soups and salads, or just pop a few in your mouth.

Another partial loaf of stale bread saved! And what a treat!