The Secret Garden – Breaking Ground

Sunday was a glorious day.  After a week of many obligations and what seemed like never ending rain, I finally made it into the garden. The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect, and my yard helper, Melvin, was there to assist with all the heavy lifting. We got way more done than I thought possible and I didn’t destroy my already tenuous lumbar. Fatsia Japonica First, the ugly dead bush came down. It will make fabulous chimenea fodder. Then Melvin brought round the plants... Continue reading

The Secret Garden – Planning Phase

I've got an idea for a complete transformation in this little tucked-away area. It's a mess, but there is potential! I just need to come up with a plan. Ahead, I see some relocating, repurposing, and a bit of investing. Here's What We've Got... A small, fenced area, divided by a sidewalk, with grass and plantings on either side. Left yard, sidewalk, right yard To the left are a couple of small camellias, a hydrangea, and a couple of azaleas. I've already moved these in from other... Continue reading

Food is Free Project

I found this video tooling around on Facebook. No pun intended! :) I've already got two palettes so this project is on for fall. I'll work on building up some great soil while we overwinter, and we'll see how we do in spring. This year's garden was a bit of a bust. I broke my leg late in May, and as I am the main gardener of the family, the beds went terribly untended. Yes, come harvest time the pickin's were quite slim. There I go punning again! Had I built beds like these, I may have fared... Continue reading

Sabbatical and Congrats Richard

Of one thing we can all be certain. Things change. Yogic philosophy advises we not become too attached to things, situations, or even people, for this very basic reason. Things will change, and the more as we wish for them to stay exactly as they are, the harder it is for our constitutions when they don't; the less we are able to enjoy what we have for fear of loss. The term in Sanskrit is Vairagya. Contrary to popular belief, this does not mean avoiding the joys in life; our possessions and... Continue reading