Soothing Anxiety in a Pandemic – A Meditation Practice by Anne Bailey

Morning at the Camden Longhouse Nature heals. Lately, I've been waking up just after four in the morning with no chance of going back to sleep. I'm going to assume I need to see the world wake up more than I need the slumber. Bathing in the joyous music of the birds and the bugs is worth rising at such an early hour. A symphony of tweets, chirps, and clicks is supported by the staccato hammering of a woodpecker. These sounds fill my soul with delight as the sky goes from black, to smoky... Continue reading

All Work and No Play. . .

"I saw the angel in the marble, and I carved until I set him free." Michelangelo I began teaching yoga immediately after teacher training graduation in May of 2009, and it was a gift to be able to do so. Many opportunities sprung up, and I wanted to try them all. Before I knew it, I was teaching up to five classes a week in addition to my full-time job and other side work projects. Things I loved were ignored: the puppies were often neglected, my garden was more weeds than herbs, and my house... Continue reading

Food is Free Project

I found this video tooling around on Facebook. No pun intended! :) I've already got two palettes so this project is on for fall. I'll work on building up some great soil while we overwinter, and we'll see how we do in spring. This year's garden was a bit of a bust. I broke my leg late in May, and as I am the main gardener of the family, the beds went terribly untended. Yes, come harvest time the pickin's were quite slim. There I go punning again! Had I built beds like these, I may have fared... Continue reading

First Day Back with My Practice

I did it. Monday afternoon I got it together and actually had a nice yoga practice. The better part of my endurance work was just getting myself set up and on the floor. Fortunately, in my little yoga nook, almost anything I might need is accessible from the floor. I designed it that way because of laziness, I suppose, but it's working out for me now! I performed the beginning of the work suggested in my original broken toe practice except for the modified pigeon pose. I know my psoas—the... Continue reading