Self-care in the New Year

  The title of this post may sound suspiciously like it's leading up to a New Year's Resolution, but it's not. Also known as, "The main things I plan to change next year but am not going to," resolutions are made to be broken. All my self-made promises of regimented workout routines, valiant housekeeping practices, and inspired money management programs were lovely suggestions that passed on by like dry leaves caught in the wind. Instead, I like to make a New Year's plan, and that... Continue reading

Garden Bones and Chicken Broth

  Inspiration A soft footprint is not what I'm after. I don't want the planet to diminish because of me. My goal is to leave it better. I want nature to start singing the Hallelujah Chorus because I showed up. To that end, I am following the lead of the indigenous people of this continent, the original citizens of North America, in showing appreciation and using my resources without waste. It's not only good for me; it's good for the planet. Here's an idea, and it's pretty simple.... Continue reading

Attack of the Aphids

  Last week, I discovered that one of my hibiscus plants, a small and struggling little thing, was covered with aphids. Well, no wonder it looked so unhealthy, I thought, with its puny buds and shriveled leaves, offering little promise of a lush display. What next? My options Idea #1. I could try a natural repellent-type remedy. Con: This could adversely affect the beneficial flora as well, and there are good reasons not to do this, but that is another story. Idea #2. I could pop... Continue reading


  I've been dabbling in this Spread Good Stuff business for years. Its focus has always been to contribute to the sustainable living movement, in particular; I strive to come up with and detail simple changes that are easy to accomplish... because living sustainably is not always easy, not when you've grown, learned, and live in the one-use, throw-away, convenience culture. Even folks I know that believe firmly in environmental science and the need for conservation are often not fully... Continue reading