As God Is My Witness, I’ll Never Go Hungry!!!

There are edible wonders, right out there in your very own yard, or park, or wood! I have a very unique, creative, and interesting daughter. Melissa already farms circles around me. Now she has taken to foraging. It makes for exciting mother/daughter adventures. She came over Monday and we decided that my very own yard would be the first place we looked for edible treasures. Off to the back we went in search of our bounty. We picked the last of my winter greens to serve with black beans... Continue reading

Our first spring project

From our deck, you can look out over our large backyard and see almost endless possibility. Morning and late afternoon sun give the area a beautiful glow. It seems like a perfect place to spend a summer afternoon lazing in a hammock or playing a spirited game of croquet. It is not. But it soon will be, for our goal, this spring is to unearth the hidden beauty lying under the overgrown brambles and privet and create a secret garden of our very own. We came up with the idea late into the... Continue reading

Mindfully putting away the cigarettes

As of this writing, I am a non-smoker for a month-and-a-week-plus, after smoking a pack of cigarettes each and every day for almost 30 years. Ridding myself of cigarettes is a wonderful feeling, and I am certain I will be smoke-free for the rest of my life. That certainty -- knowing that I will succeed in my effort -- is new to me. I cannot say how many times I have tried to quit before and failed; all I know is that there have been too many. In the past, my success rate varied before I... Continue reading

Desk work can be a pain in the neck. Literally!

If you sit at a desk hunched over a computer all day as I do, you have likely experienced what most do from time to time. The neck aches, the shoulders try to sneak into the ears, and the upper middle back cries out for relief. There are a few simple things anyone can do to help alleviate this discomfort. First and foremost, get up and move around. Sitting in one position for extended periods without moving is a recipe for disaster. Our spines are cleansed and nourished through movement... Continue reading