Seeing in the Dark

It is interesting how in darkness we are able to see the most. And a truth that seems contradictory is a signal to take a closer look. Who contemplates their life during times of exuberance and great joy? What do we learn here? We learn we like it. We overindulge in it and strive to keep things exactly as they are. But of course, we can’t. Soon some misfortune will visit and she will leave us in that familiar place—a place that is not so joyous, a place that is at best slightly... Continue reading

Thoughtful Recovery

Hurrying is something I've sworn off of late. I know rushing doesn't get me ahead. But what your logical self knows and your good sense tells you often lose out to old ways and ingrained habits. Remembering to be in the moment is always, bar none, your best bet. Saturday afternoon I jammed my foot into a misplaced seven-pound dumbbell and did some serious damage to the second-to-last toe on my left foot. I was running out of time getting ready to head for Cullman. My band, After Two... Continue reading

A Native American Gardening Technique

I have three sisters. But I am not talking about the three headstrong women who share my parents with me; I'm talking about the girls in my garden. I happened upon this planting technique fiddling around on Google one day. It's an ancient, Iroquois planting method for corn, beans, and squash. The three sisters sustain each other and I am utterly "a-maized" (I love a good pun if there is such a thing) at the results. In our neck of the woods, this process can be started in early- to... Continue reading

Yoga Lessons from Baby Bear

The story of the three bears is more than a cute story about a golden-haired girl and a cuddly little bear. It offers a wonderful viewpoint that can be applied to many aspects of life. Take the practice of yoga. Gardening season is in full swing, and I like to remind folks, as I am reminded every morning this time of year, yoga is for balance. Both too much physical activity and too little are equally debilitating to the human form. Yoga helps us maintain our bodies so that we can basically... Continue reading