Apartment Gardening

Just because you don't have an inch of earth where you live doesn't mean you can't have a productive and yummy garden. There is always the glass jar sprouting method described early in March. But I've learned a new way to make a garden happen indoors, and FAST! I took some pint-sized plastic to-go food containers and poked a knife through the bottoms in several places. I filled them with potting soil and watered well first so as not to upset the seeds. I added a pretty thick layer of... Continue reading

Mindfully putting away the cigarettes

As of this writing, I am a non-smoker for a month-and-a-week-plus, after smoking a pack of cigarettes each and every day for almost 30 years. Ridding myself of cigarettes is a wonderful feeling, and I am certain I will be smoke-free for the rest of my life. That certainty -- knowing that I will succeed in my effort -- is new to me. I cannot say how many times I have tried to quit before and failed; all I know is that there have been too many. In the past, my success rate varied before I... Continue reading

Windowsill Salad Garden

I'm ready for a big, hearty salad out of my own garden -- NOW! But my lettuces, although lovely and green, are still rather small. If I picked them all I could come up with one good chef's salad, but that would be it, and I'm impatient! What's a girl to do? Sprouts to the rescue! Sprouts of edible plants are packed full of goodness. In order to ensure the plants-to-be get a good start, sprouts begin life overloaded with nutrients. They contain significant amounts of vitamins A, C, and D,... Continue reading

Beekeeping in the ‘burbs

I'd seen an ad for a meeting about beekeeping in the Homewood Star, a paper and online publication for news and entertainment in Homewood, our little community. The talk would be held at the new Sims Ecoscape site, a plot of land donated to the city of Homewood for ecological efforts by Catherine Sims for the use as a community park and outdoor classroom. It was a very chilly day, but the sun was shining and the information was interesting enough to almost not notice how cold it... Continue reading