Happy New Year Turmeric!

According to Melissa Word, turmeric should be harvested when the leaves turn yellow; Dig it up, pull off the nubs, and plant the hairy pieces. Ok. Easy enough. But the leaves didn't turn yellow until just before Christmas after a very cold snap. Between the cold, the rain, and the holiday, I didn't make it out there until the past weekend. I had planted a lone tuber in the early Pandemic days. I wasn't sure what lay ahead or if regular food supplies would continue, so I ordered seed... Continue reading

Bag of goodies for sore muscles

In fair weather, I spend every weekend possible in my garden in the vain hope of catching up. That frequently means the old back and feet are complaining by Sunday evening. As I've been toying with making my own home cleansers and body care products, I happened upon a delightful and accessible collection of recipes from Jan Berry's fantastic book, The Big Book of Homemade Products for your Skin, Health & Home. I have already tried out her Fresh Breath Dog Treats and the Honey,... Continue reading

Balance – It’s the Best

Pandemics and Gardening I love to garden. I am not necessarily great at it. But it is, most certainly, great for me. With one caveat. Balance. Planting, constructing, working with seed, reveling in the sites and sounds of the outdoors: this has been all I have been able to do. It takes me away from fear and panic in this unbelievable reality we are all sharing. ThrushBluebird dadEscapee All the while, my house is a mess, my brushes lay idle by my easel, my guitars sit lonely and... Continue reading

There’s Food in Your Yard!

My daughter introduced me to foraging a few years back. In an earlier post, As God is My Witness I'll Never Go Hungry, I detailed the beginnings of my attempts at foraging. I thought now was a good time to present the topic of extending your food supply with what is more than likely already in your fridge or growing in your yard. Keep it Growing! Romaine in cups I rely on live food. In addition to my salad- and greens-dependent self, I have a pair of rabbits who expect daily greens.... Continue reading