Overseas travel and yoga, part 1

The Road Trip Car to plane to bus to train to plane -- and so on and so forth. Getting from the U.S. to Europe can be grueling, as spinal immobility is the body's worst enemy. I am a practitioner and sometimes teacher of yoga for a number of reasons, first and foremost being self-realization. But while traveling, yoga is my practice for restoration. It is for survival. I was accompanying my youngest daughter to France. Her first job out of college as an assistant English teaching... Continue reading

A home-based yoga practice

LISTEN to your inner teacher! Years ago, 22 to be exact, I was in my early stages as a yoga practitioner. It was six weeks after I gave birth to my youngest daughter, and my doctor cleared me to return to my normal routine. I was practicing a very challenging style of yoga, and the author of the book I was following promised his practice could cure just about anything. To this day, I believe that yoga can aid you in all aspects of life. What I have learned is that yoga is NOT... Continue reading

Being ‘here’

  I must often remind myself, "Jean, stop and focus on what is happening 'NOW." This simple tool can relieve stress immediately! Simple, yes; easy, no. I've been bemoaning my busy life lately, complaining to my friends, children, the dogs, and my poor husband. Fortunately, I have the knowledge and know-how to banish this silliness and don't tend to let these little pity parties go on for too terribly long. The answer is living mindfully. It's really a... Continue reading

Yoga to go

  In my early years as a yoga practitioner, I remember the feeling of the "class" or the "mat" being where yoga happened. It was something that made me feel peaceful and happy. It was something I looked forward to. It was something I missed when I skipped. I can't say precisely when yoga became more. It was a gradual and subtle process. It was a gradual and subtle process. Some twenty or so years since I began the practice, yoga has become something I don't leave home... Continue reading