There’s Food in Your Yard!

My daughter introduced me to foraging a few years back. In an earlier post, As God is My Witness I'll Never Go Hungry, I detailed the beginnings of my attempts at foraging. I thought now was a good time to present the topic of extending your food supply with what is more than likely already in your fridge or growing in your yard. Keep it Growing! Romaine in cups I rely on live food. In addition to my salad- and greens-dependent self, I have a pair of rabbits who expect daily greens.... Continue reading

Soothing Anxiety in a Pandemic – A Meditation Practice by Anne Bailey

Morning at the Camden Longhouse Nature heals. Lately, I've been waking up just after four in the morning with no chance of going back to sleep. I'm going to assume I need to see the world wake up more than I need the slumber. Bathing in the joyous music of the birds and the bugs is worth rising at such an early hour. A symphony of tweets, chirps, and clicks is supported by the staccato hammering of a woodpecker. These sounds fill my soul with delight as the sky goes from black, to smoky... Continue reading

The Secret Garden – Breaking Ground

Sunday was a glorious day.  After a week of many obligations and what seemed like never ending rain, I finally made it into the garden. The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect, and my yard helper, Melvin, was there to assist with all the heavy lifting. We got way more done than I thought possible and I didn’t destroy my already tenuous lumbar. Fatsia Japonica First, the ugly dead bush came down. It will make fabulous chimenea fodder. Then Melvin brought round the plants... Continue reading

The Secret Garden – Planning Phase

I've got an idea for a complete transformation in this little tucked-away area. It's a mess, but there is potential! I just need to come up with a plan. Ahead, I see some relocating, repurposing, and a bit of investing. Here's What We've Got... A small, fenced area, divided by a sidewalk, with grass and plantings on either side. Left yard, sidewalk, right yard To the left are a couple of small camellias, a hydrangea, and a couple of azaleas. I've already moved these in from other... Continue reading