Winter produce

Last summer I planted some asparagus seed along the fence that cordons off The Secret Garden. While I've never attempted to grow them, I was already aware that I would not see asparagus that season. But the lacy, fern-like foliage made a beautiful display for the backyard recreational area. With winter upon us, I've mostly ignored that area of my property while the asparagus greenery faded and slowly turned brittle and brown. Meanwhile, I planted a few things in the tiered garden and... Continue reading

Sheet Mulching for Spring

"Wait. Let me get this straight. You want me to throw all this trash in your garden." That's what Melvin said when I asked him to cover my little fenced area with cardboard boxes and a pile of fallen limbs. I decided at the end of the growing season that I was going to break down all the grass in The Secret Garden and convert the entire area to a production garden. I had been saving up boxes from all my various deliveries. Rather than send them off to a landfill, they head to the... Continue reading

Happy New Year Turmeric!

According to Melissa Word, turmeric should be harvested when the leaves turn yellow; Dig it up, pull off the nubs, and plant the hairy pieces. Ok. Easy enough. But the leaves didn't turn yellow until just before Christmas after a very cold snap. Between the cold, the rain, and the holiday, I didn't make it out there until the past weekend. I had planted a lone tuber in the early Pandemic days. I wasn't sure what lay ahead or if regular food supplies would continue, so I ordered seed... Continue reading

Black flies and earwigs and spiders, oh my!

What is it with us bipeds? One glimpse of a little creature that squirms, wriggles, or crawls about on numerous legs, and we lose our minds as we reach for swatters and brooms and spray bottles. We could really do a better job of choosing our battles. When we relocated to our current property we inherited a beautiful array of gardens from the previous owners. Much thought and planning must have gone into the works. In the tradition of the cottage garden, the closely packed blooming... Continue reading