Conscious Capitalism: A Book Review

What a fabulous read! I really couldn't put this thing down. Written by the Co-CEO of Whole Foods and co-founder of Conscious Capitalism, Inc., John Mackey, along with Raj Sisodia, co-founder and trustee of Conscious Capitalism, Inc., and professor of marketing at Bentley University, this book gave me hope of a brighter future for our world, in business dealings and otherwise. After years immersed in corporate America where my ideas of a kinder business philosophy were often looked upon as... Continue reading

As God Is My Witness, I’ll Never Go Hungry!!!

There are edible wonders, right out there in your very own yard, or park, or wood! I have a very unique, creative, and interesting daughter. Melissa already farms circles around me. Now she has taken to foraging. It makes for exciting mother/daughter adventures. She came over Monday and we decided that my very own yard would be the first place we looked for edible treasures. Off to the back we went in search of our bounty. We picked the last of my winter greens to serve with black beans... Continue reading

Urban Farming, the Productive Way

"If you plant it, it will grow," turns out to not necessarily be the case. I'm approaching my third summer of attempting to supply our little two-person family with wholesome, organic, homegrown vegetables. My original idea was to use only the composts I created from my kitchen scraps and fall leaves. Fail. :( Things grew. They did not flourish. Reality hit me square across the face about a month after I purchased my EarthBox. The kit comes with a cool little rectangular planter, complete... Continue reading

Apartment Gardening

Just because you don't have an inch of earth where you live doesn't mean you can't have a productive and yummy garden. There is always the glass jar sprouting method described early in March. But I've learned a new way to make a garden happen indoors, and FAST! I took some pint-sized plastic to-go food containers and poked a knife through the bottoms in several places. I filled them with potting soil and watered well first so as not to upset the seeds. I added a pretty thick layer of... Continue reading