Repurpose: Scarf Turned Draft Buster

What a serendipitous discovery! I've been doing a great deal of organizing, cleaning, and culling over the month of January. It's a pretty regular event for me. I get the Christmas tree off to the kindling heap and holiday decorations packed up and out of the way. This activity almost always instills in me the burning desire to bring order to my ever chaotic household. I love scarves of all kinds and I've collected quite a few. There are several I no longer reach for when heading out in... Continue reading

More Kitchen Window Gardening

I've been growing sprouts in a sprouting jar for years and learned of sprouting leafy vegetables in containers in the window last winter, but I never knew about this until I caught it on Pinterest a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't wait to try it out. There are a number of varieties of vegetables that will continue to grow even after you've devoured most of what you brought home in your grocery bag. Who knew? It's a great way to stretch food dollars and get the satisfaction of micro-farming... Continue reading

Chevron Yoga

There was a time when I thought of yoga as something I saved for my time on the mat or yoga studio. But with continued practice and study, yoga becomes an integral part of life. From how to sit at the desk, how to handle a difficult situation at work, or how to handle a confrontation with a loved one, the teachings of yoga become welcome tools in handling all the day-to-day activities of life. I went camping with my husband last fall with plans of doing yoga daily in the pristine wilderness.... Continue reading

2013 Top Ten Trash to Treasures

It's hard to believe that 2013 is almost behind us. My goal was to dramatically reduce the amount of stuff we carted in through the front door and limit the plastic bags of stuff we hauled back out. It's an idea that is not only good for the environment, but for me as well. With it, I have an exhilarating hobby, and I save money to boot. What's not to love? I come by this tendency honest. I've watched my mother keep what she calls "live garbage" for years, always tending an earthy compost... Continue reading