A Valentine’s Day pondering on empathy

He can't take it away. He can try to erase history, but we will remember. He can try to discourage us, but we will persevere. He will try to be all-powerful, but we will dissent. He can try to silence us, but we will talk. We will write songs and stories in which he will not be the hero. The stories will be of the dystopian leader who tried to change the past and own the future, but he will forever be remembered as foolish, cruel, and greedy. The heroes will be those who refused to follow, who... Continue reading

Victory Garden

Day one I'm not holding my breath for all that purported "American Greatness" to start showing up any time soon. I'm beginning my Victory Garden today. We can stretch our food dollars, save money on supplies, and help the planet heal with our gardening practices. This post details a few ways to do just so. When I see piles of sticks and leaves all bagged up with plastic and ready for the trash heap, I instinctively do a head bump. I confess to sending a lot of tree matter away before I... Continue reading

Eggshells are the best!

  Make use of refuse. Lean into resourcefulness for a bit of support through the trying times ahead. I love eggshells- everything about them. An eggshell protects the baby bird contained within, holding it in a perfect, liquid environment that doesn't leak yet still breathes. Or, they may hold a delicious little protein-packed bit of yumminess. I feel much gratitude for the gift of an egg. But once the shell has completed its job, there is still more goodness to be had. And keeping food... Continue reading

Cardboard Love

  We are shopping more and more online. The pandemic exacerbated that practice. I order my home products from Grove.co because I get only recycled plastic if any at all, and they have a wide array of earth-friendly products to choose from. I order my pet care products, and lots of other things online as well.  That means the cardboard is coming in by the droves. What to do next? DON'T THROW IT AWAY!!! If you don't have a friend with an impending move, and you don't ship things... Continue reading