Done – It’s a four letter word.


After years of yoga study and mindfulness practice, I thought I would be a little more Zen with my home tasks. But no. I barrel through them with a vengeance. I’m the worst boss I’ve ever had, and I’m trying to do a little work with that harsh and heavy-handed side of myself.

I keep a lot of projects going, and I get overwhelmed way too frequently. A silly thing, I know. My self-inflicted stress is something only I can fix. But I don’t have to give anything up. I just need to shift my mindset.

These projects have no deadline outside of my own burning desire to see them done. And there you have it. That nasty little word… DONE. Done is a fantasy, it’s a pipe dream. We are never done, at least not until we’re REALLY done – you know, the big done.

Beginning a project starts with an inspired idea. And I will often get lost in the process, whether beginning a new painting or building a new garden bed. All is well and wonderful. And then I look at the clock or the calendar, and I let the taskmaster push aside my playful self. She starts barking out orders and making up deadlines. She is such a bitch.

To get “done” feels like servitude. To “do” is plain old joy.

Stop! Breathe. Do.