First Day Back with My Practice

Jean's yoga nook
The yoga nook

I did it.

Monday afternoon I got it together and actually had a nice yoga practice. The better part of my endurance work was just getting myself set up and on the floor. Fortunately, in my little yoga nook, almost anything I might need is accessible from the floor. I designed it that way because of laziness, I suppose, but it’s working out for me now!

I performed the beginning of the work suggested in my original broken toe practice except for the modified pigeon pose. I know my psoas—the group of muscles that lift the knee, located along the front inner thigh and lower torso—really need lengthening, but pigeon pose seemed a bit aggressive for this stage of the game. I replaced it with some time laying on my back with my hips up on a blanket. Having been in more or less a seated position for the last month, this offered plenty of lengthening.

I did some work with my physical therapy and then proceeded with the rest of the practice.

The apanasana performed on my back provided me with some mild abdominal work while offering a nice bit of massage for my lumbar and internal organs. Here’s a nice demonstration of apanasana. Zoya Lu refers to it as an energy-releasing pose. My teacher’s translation for the Sanskrit term was wind relieving pose. 😉

Plank from the knees and upward facing dog finished up the practice for me. I did not manage sitting but enjoyed a nice savasana before returning to work and the outside world.

Progression of healing

Yesterday I went to the physical therapist. I am making good progress, but we did a little more aggressive work and I found my foot was swollen and achy last night. The fourth image here shows the ankle swollen again. I opted to forgo yoga practice for the afternoon. I rested and iced with the intention of getting back to it today. Sure enough, the swelling has subsided and I’m feeling even stronger.

I will add the rest of the practice with this afternoon’s work and let you know how it goes!
