It is up to us!
Hi there. My name is Jean Campbell. You’ve found my website full of fun and cost-saving ideas for sustainable living. We have the ability to help protect our planet. We can each modify one behavior toward sustainability, and it is truly up to us. So, pick one thing! Let it be your act of faith in our future. Read below for a few ideas, or click HERE to find more!

A Valentine’s Day pondering on empathy
He can't take it away. He can try to erase history, but we will remember. He can try to discourage us, but we will persevere. He will try to be all-powerful, but we will dissent. He can try to silence…
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Victory Garden
Day one I'm not holding my breath for all that purported "American Greatness" to start showing up any time soon. I'm beginning my Victory Garden today. We can stretch our food dollars, save money on supplies, and help the planet…
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Eggshells are the best!
Make use of refuse. Lean into resourcefulness for a bit of support through the trying times ahead. I love eggshells- everything about them. An eggshell protects the baby bird contained within, holding it in a perfect, liquid environment that…
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